Saturday, August 24, 2019

Black Sun Blocker

I saw Ravit walking with this black umbrella and it occurred to me that in the near future umbrellas will be all year must take element. Not only when it rains or as a sun-blocker but as a fashion accessory. Like in the 19th century  // Tel Aviv

Summery Sunshine on the streets of Tel Aviv // Tyler

In a Store // Tel Aviv

Friday, August 16, 2019

I asked her what she thinks about the August Tel Avivian heat. 
She answered: "I was born in Venezuela and these days I live in Miami so it's OK :)"

Alenbi street, Tel Aviv

Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv

Father and Daughter // Sophie & Sergei

I asked her not to move and that I'm gonna shoot her // Shiraz

On the streets of Tel Aviv // Omer

I saw her walking with her 3 kids. I asked if I could take her image. Fortunately, she was delighted I
appreciated her style.

Linnaea // Tel Aviv

Sara // Tel Aviv