Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Iris // Tel Aviv

A question I'm asked a lot is what is the consensus ratio for people I have never met before, agree to be taken their portrait. Well, the ratio varies depending on location, season and mood. Usually, the ratio amounts to 1:9 in my favor :)
I admit that in my first year of Crossroads photography I was disappointed with every negative answer I would get. Today I honorably accept and appreciate such an answer - without the challenge, I might lose interest in this “game".
Iris (the woman in this photo) made sure to be a part of the balance sheet that is so important to me. Although she politely refused while acknowledging that I had turned to her and appreciated her look that attracted eyes and turned heads of all the men and women who were in the area.
Before we continued each person to his separate ways, I had to, as the last attempt, ask if it would be possible to photograph her walking with her back to me. Her quick reply was: "As long as you don't see a face. It's all right” and immediately went on a slow, elegant walk.
I still wonder if I would've liked the frontal image more. I'll never know .. :)